Набір композитні штанга та гантелі 15 кг
A with replaceable weights is a classics and, at the same time, a must have for every home gym. SGC15 HMS is a set of two composite s. However, they can be joined together to form a barbell. High quality material guarantees high strength and consequently, it ensures long-term life of the equipment. Collars and perfectly fitting diameter of the weight hole make it easier to replace the load ly and to ensure robust position on the bar. Since the collars are threaded the weighs do not shift in any way during a work. Due to a special extension it is possible to combine two short bars into a long one. This innovative solution significantly extends the range of works. A user can have a barbell to do exercises that are not possible or not comfortable when using s. Having one product, we can use two. The set comprises two bars, four collars, bars connection system and total no. of 8 weights. The product is suitable for both, advanced users and beginners. Start your training today, the SGP15 HMS is an ideal choice for a home gym. Specification: Material: PVC + cement, iron, foam Dimensions of the bar: Length: 37.5 cm Diameter: 24 mm Diameter of the part 31 mm Dimensions of the coupling system: Length: 30.1 cm Diameter: 44 mm Weights: 2 kg – 17,5 x 4,1 cm 1,5 kg – 16,1 x 3,9 cm Weight of the bar: 295 g Weight of the coupling system: 337 g Weight of the collar: 18 g Total weight of the set: 16 kg The set includes: Short bar x 2 Bars coupling system x 1 Weights 2 kg x 4 Weights 1,5 kg x 4 Collars x 4 Remarks: Not intended for commercial use 24 months warranty
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Сума | Знижка |
від 1 000 грн | 2% |
від 2 000 грн | 3% |
від 5 000 грн | 4% |
від 10 000 грн | 5% |
від 20 000 грн | 6% |
від 50 000 грн | 7% |